Vicenza - pleasant to live in, with 100.000 ingabitants, and well known as the city of Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), who started out as a mere mason and became one of most influential architect of all time. The work of Palladio, based on a detailed study of classical Roman architecture, gives the city its unique appearance. Palladio's urban buildings, as well as his villas, scattered throughout the Veneto region, had a decisive influence on the development of architecture.
Andrea Palladio
Walking around the city, it is interesting to study the evolution of his distinctive, and often copied style. In the center is the monumental basilica Palladiana which also served as town hall, and at the end of Corso A. Palladio the Palazzo Chiericati with oposite the Teatro Olimpico. A powerfull jewellery industry, up for sale also for the publik, also performing international jewellery fairs three times a year makes this city even more interesting. |